
Columbarium Availability

Columbarium news

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Columbarium Committee has obtained a programmable digital lock for the Columbarium entry gate.
This lock will permit Vault Owners and family members to access their Columbarium unit at any time. Each Owner will have a unique PIN that will provide access.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be contacting all Owners to obtain the preferred PIN number.
No changes will be made prior to contacting all owners.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Dave Chase at 757-342-3014

If you have a friend or family member you would like to memorialize consider  purchasing a Memorial Brick to be
placed in the Columbarium area. Contact Fran (757-877-5021) for information.

St Jerome accepts applications for a Niche reservation to our Columbarium to Catholics outside of our Faith Community.

If you have extended family or friends who would be interested in reserving a Niche in our Columbarium have them contact Fran Blanchard at 757-877-5021

Niche availability