Ministry Schedules

St. Jerome Emergency Call Number

For Sacramental Emergencies requiring the attention of a priest contact, call 757-872-8166.

New Parish Registration Process

Welcome and thank you for registering with St. Jerome Catholic Church in Newport News, Virginia! This new process is an option to coming to the office or meeting with a Pastoral Council member during the 2nd Sunday of the month. The Catholic Diocese of Richmond uses a centralized parishioner database called Parishsoft.

Link to On-line Registration

Click here for instructions to assist in the process.

Again, welcome to the family!

Current News
Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am and 12pm
  • Register

Justice and Peace

The Justice and Peace Committee

Keeps the parishioners aware of social issues that need our attention, including local, national and international. Provides a forum for parishioners to participate in peace and justice issues.


Food Pantry

Providing non-perishable food for the needy in our community.


Funeral Liturgies

Meet with families to help plan liturgy for funerals. Coordinate with Music Minister, and provide support to families before and during the service.

Funeral Receptions 

Receptions are provided following funerals. Volunteers prepare food and serve as hosts for the reception.

Parish Nurse Ministry 
The mission of the Parish Nurse Ministry is to promote whole person health and disease prevention with an emphasis on spiritual well being.  This will be accomplished through the development of programs and services that support the Parish Nurse Scope of Practice and the needs of the parishioners of St. Jerome Catholic Church.

Parish Calendar

    Parish Calendar


Paul Jones Paintings

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