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Where do I fit in here? If you are asking yourself this question? Are you looking to find where you can fit into ministry here at St. Jerome? We believe Stewardship is a way of life inspired by the belief that we should thank God for all He has given us by giving back to our Church and community. We can help you find your place! Don’t see a ministry you are interested in? Please contact the parish office at 757-877-5021 and share your interests and ideas for any ministries.
Greeters:Isn’t it nice when someone welcomes you to church? Greeters present a welcoming hand, warm heart, and a friendly face to all parishioners and visitors who enter the doors of St. Jerome. Being a greeter is a great way to help others feel the love of Christ as they come to worship Him. We need greeters at all Masses. If you would like to meet others within the parish and share God’s love with them, become a greeter! Please contact the parish office at 757-877-5021 for more information
Lectors: Do you have the gift of public speaking and want to share your talent with the community? If so, please consider being a lector to proclaim the word during the weekend Masses. We are in need of lectors to read at all of our Masses, (especially at 7:00am and 12noon Mass) If interested call the parish office at 757-877-5021.
Adult Choir: If good vocal quality is your forte, please come forward and volunteer for this ministry as a choir member or cantor. Thank you, Lord, for giving us the gift of music and for voices to sing your praises. This ministry provides the parishioners with resounding vocal support in every phase of the Liturgy.
Skills: Ability to hold a tune and/or willing to learn, musical awareness, and be comfortable in front of people.
Gifts: out-going, compassionate, leadership, love to minister through music, generous with time and talents.
Practice: One hour prior to each Mass or at discretion of Choir Director.If interested, please contact Patricia Van Hee through the church office at 877-5021.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:If you are interested in learning more about serving the precious Body and Blood of our Lord at St. Jerome, please contact Debbie Moore at 757-877-5021.
Ministers of the Sick:Interested in learning more about providing comfort,prayer and Holy Communion to those who are ill with either hospital, home visits? Please contact the office at 757–877–5021.This is an extremely rewarding ministry!