St. Jerome Catholic Church 116 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608 757-877-5021 Saturday Mass 5:00 PM Sunday Mass 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM For Sacramental Emergencies requiring the attention of a priest call, 757-872-8166
Weekend Mass Time - Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM
St.Jerome Newsletter Updates February 1(link )
Go to the Newsletter to see additional photos from the Epiphany Play
Don't Miss Any Details of Parish Happinings!!
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to be put on the Newsletter Mailing List
This Monday, February 3rd, is the Memorial of Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. We will be having a Daily Mass that day at 8:00 AM and will be holding the traditional Blessing of the Throats during that Mass.
St Jerome pray for us as we face this time of challenge
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 5 pm, Sunday Mass: 8 am. 11 am
Feb 1 | Memorial of St Blaise and Blessing of Throats 8 am mass |
Feb 2 | Scouting Sunday |
Feb 4 | Mission 2025 Meeting 7 pm |
Scout Sunday is February 2nd. Scout Sunday is traditionally the Sunday preceding February 8, which is Scouting America's birthday. It is an opportunity for scouts to live the 12th point of the Scout Law, a Scout is Reverent. Scouts should wear their field uniforms to Mass.
Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ.
St Jerome
Our parish volunteers recently acted as the Hands of Christ at First Baptist church when they spent several hours preparing meals, checking folk in, and generally supporting the homeless ministry of PORT.
Our next PORT date is February 19th at Denbigh United Presbyterian Church.
If you have any interest in serving you can contact:
Valerie Smoot
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Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Columbarium Committee has obtained a programmable digital lock for the Columbarium entry gate.
This lock will permit Vault Owners and family members to access their Columbarium unit at any time. Each Owner will have a unique PIN that will provide access.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be contacting all Owners to obtain the preferred PIN number.
No changes will be made prior to contacting all owners.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Dave Chase at 757-342-3014
St Jerome accepts applications for a Niche reservation to our Columbarium to Catholics outside of our Faith Community.
If you have extended family or friends who would be interested in reserving a Niche in our Columbarium have them contact Fran Blanchard at 757-877-5021
Lectors: Do you have the gift of public speaking and want to share your talent with the community? If so, please consider being a lector to proclaim the word during the weekend Masses. We are in need of lectors to read at all of our Masses, (especially at 7:00am and 12noon Mass) If interested call the parish office at 757-877-5021.
Adult Choir: If good vocal quality is your forte, please come forward and volunteer for this ministry as a choir member or cantor. Thank you, Lord, for giving us the gift of music and for voices to sing your praises. This ministry provides the parishioners with resounding vocal support in every phase of the Liturgy.
Skills: Ability to hold a tune and/or willing to learn, musical awareness, and be comfortable in front of people.
Gifts: out-going, compassionate, leadership, love to minister through music, generous with time and talents.
Practice: One hour prior to each Mass or at discretion of Choir Director.If interested, please contact Patricia Van Hee through the church office at 877-5021.
In this time of constantly evolving information the most efficient way to gain information from our Diocese is through the St Jerome Email Newsletter. If you have not done so it is highly suggested you contact Andrew Buckles at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be placed on the mailing list. When we emerge on the other side of this challenge you will continue to be informed of all Parish activities and Father George's personal message.
Welcome and thank you for visiting with St. Jerome Catholic Church in Newport News, Virginia! If you would like to register with our parish this new process is an option to coming to the office.
Link to On-line Registration Online Registration
Again, welcome to the family!
Daily at noon
Sat: 4:30 PM
Sun: 6:30 AM
11:30 AM
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Daily after AM Mass
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
1st Thursday
8:30 AM- 7:00 PM
Columbarium Visitation
Mon-Thur: 9 AM-4PM
Sat: 8 AM- 6 PM
Sun: 7 AM-1 PM
Or by prior arrangement by
contacting the Office
Liturgical Calendar
Access the Sunday
and Holy Day Readings
& other important details
For all members of St. Jerome who, through their Stewardship of time, talent, treasure, are eager to share their gifts with the parish and diocese, that their faith is deepened and their lives become further enriched.
See Stewardship webpage for more information
You can contact the parish office by calling 877-5021 Mon-Thurs 9am - 4pm or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For website questions email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.