Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am and 12pm
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Confirmation 2019-2020



In the Diocese of Richmond, the Sacrament of Confirmation is received by those that are part of a catechetical program for a minimum of a year prior to entering the preparation program and are to be in the 10th grade of high school.

At St. Jerome, the Life Teen program offered on Sunday evenings is the catechetical program that is offered to high school teens. The confirmation program will be an additional catechetical program offered on Saturday mornings and Sunday mornings. Candidates must attend one Confirmation class a month; the candidate can choose to attend either the Saturday morning workshop or the Sunday morning workshop (in addition to Sunday evening).
All teens are encouraged to become involved in a ministry in parish life. For assistance in choosing a ministry, those on the Life Teen core or Confirmation team can assist. 

General Information: 

Requirements for Confirmation at Saint Jerome:

  • You must be a baptized Catholic registered at St. Jerome Catholic Church
  • You must be at least 15 years old and at least in the 10th grade at the time of Confirmation
  • You must attend confirmation preparation classes 
  • You must participate in the Christian Formation Program (Life Teen on Sunday evenings from 6 to 8pm), be enrolled at a Catholic School, or be home schooled with an approved Curriculum
  • You must attend a confirmation retreat
  • You need to attend mass on Sunday (or Saturday night)

Since your sponsor is someone that should walk with you in your faith journey. Per Canon law (874.1), to undertake the office of sponsor, a person must:

  • Not be less than 16 years old
  • Be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has received the blessed Eucharist, and who lives a life of faith which befits the role to be undertaken
  • Not labor under a canonical penalty, whether imposed or declared
  • Not be either the father or mother of candidate
  • Note: it is desirable that the sponsor chosen be the one who undertook the role at baptism

Confirmation name. This can be your baptismal name or you may choose a saint’s name or a mystery of the Lord to be pronounced by the bishop in addition to your baptismal name. The saint that you choose is not gender restricted.  In choosing a saint, it should be one that you admire and intend to look to for intercession on your life journey.

If you should have any questions regarding the confirmation process please contact the confirmation coordinator at 877-3771 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To register for confirmation you may go to the following link. Confirmation Registration.

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