About St. Jerome

St. Jerome Emergency Call Number

For Sacramental Emergencies requiring the attention of a priest contact, call 757-872-8166.

New Parish Registration Process

Welcome and thank you for registering with St. Jerome Catholic Church in Newport News, Virginia! This new process is an option to coming to the office or meeting with a Pastoral Council member during the 2nd Sunday of the month. The Catholic Diocese of Richmond uses a centralized parishioner database called Parishsoft.

Link to On-line Registration

Click here for instructions to assist in the process.

Again, welcome to the family!

Current News
Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am and 12pm
  • Register

Monthly Adoration

Monthly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Next Adoration Thursday, August 1

  Following  Mass 8 am Mass



childrens hour

Parish Calendar

    Parish Calendar


Paul Jones Paintings

Login Form