Justice & Peace

Newsflash - Urgent News for your Attention

Ministry Fair

The Ministry Fair is rapidly approaching and we are requesting/inviting parishioners to determine their ability to participate as the hands and feet of Christ for his Church, OUR Parish. We are in great need in many of our ministries. We're thankful to have so many new parishioners and we'd like to know you better and have you know us. A great way to do this is to participate in all aspects of our community. I'm sure there is a ministry that will match your talents and time. Please attend the Ministry Fair or beat the rush and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to see how you can help.

Newsflash - Knights are looking for you!

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The Knights of Columbus are looking for more Good Men

Newsflash - Website changes

1.  If you are reading this notice, you found the first change; multiple newsflash articles using the "Open Panel.

2.  The Schedule and More menus; relocates the Ministry Schedules and the Formation Schedules. Click any item of interest and the section will open.

3.  The website will now automatically adjust for your tablets and smartphones; whether they are vertical or horizontal. 

4.  We'll continue to make modifications based on the capabilities of the template and the needs of the parish.

5.  Let the webmaster know if you have any comments or suggestions for additions.


Open Panel
Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7am 9am and 12pm
  • Register

Justice and Peace

The Justice and Peace Committee -  Mary Loesch  890-2532

Keeps the parishioners aware of social issues that need our attention, including local, national and international. Provides a forum for parishioners to participate in peace and justice issues.

Job Loss Counseling -

Help in preparing resumes, job search, and interviewing skills.

Cards and Flowers

Sending cards to parishioners who are ill.

F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service Here)

Provide emergency financial assistance on an as needed basis, food deliveries and transportation.

Funeral Liturgies - Dee Dean 872-4474 and Bobby Tardif 874-6689

Meet with families to help plan liturgy for funerals. Coordinate with Music Minister, and provide support to families before and during the service.

Funeral Receptions Marie DeGenna Brooks 826-0468

Receptions are provided following funerals. Volunteers prepare food and serve as hosts for the reception.

Gardens at Warwick Forest Bingo  Paul and Kathy Grace  757-875-9507

Monthly Bingo conducted for residents every first Monday at 2:00 p.m. (Changes in schedule will be noted in the Parish Bulletin) Volunteers help the residents who need assistance at playing the game.

Legislative Advocacy

Keeps parishioners aware of social justice issues through correspondence received from the Diocese.

Ministry to the Sick Marty Goergen 874-1247

Hospital and home visits,  Extra Ordinary Holy Eucharistic Ministry to the sick and physically challenged.

Parish Nurse Ministry - Regina Asaro 833-8093
The mission of the Parish Nurse Ministry is to promote whole person health and disease prevention with an emphasis on spiritual well being.  This will be accomplished through the development of programs and services that support the Parish Nurse Scope of Practice and the needs of the parishioners of St. Jerome Catholic Church.

Prison Ministry Wanda Wallace 877-5021

Visits inmates in Newport News City Farm, advises parish of issues impacting prisoners.  Actively advocates repeal of the Death Penalty.

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