Music Ministry

Newsflash - Urgent News for your Attention

Ministry Fair

The Ministry Fair is rapidly approaching and we are requesting/inviting parishioners to determine their ability to participate as the hands and feet of Christ for his Church, OUR Parish. We are in great need in many of our ministries. We're thankful to have so many new parishioners and we'd like to know you better and have you know us. A great way to do this is to participate in all aspects of our community. I'm sure there is a ministry that will match your talents and time. Please attend the Ministry Fair or beat the rush and contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to see how you can help.

Newsflash - Knights are looking for you!

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The Knights of Columbus are looking for more Good Men

Newsflash - Website changes

1.  If you are reading this notice, you found the first change; multiple newsflash articles using the "Open Panel.

2.  The Schedule and More menus; relocates the Ministry Schedules and the Formation Schedules. Click any item of interest and the section will open.

3.  The website will now automatically adjust for your tablets and smartphones; whether they are vertical or horizontal. 

4.  We'll continue to make modifications based on the capabilities of the template and the needs of the parish.

5.  Let the webmaster know if you have any comments or suggestions for additions.


Open Panel
Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7am 9am and 12pm
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Music Ministry

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The Youth Choir/Ensemble provides music for the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. The group consists of both vocalists and musicians. Here are the schedules for the choir. Click to see either schedule

Cantors     Choir/Band 

The Youth Choir rehearses on Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 pm and on Sunday mornings from 8:00 to 8:45 am. In rehearsals, we learn new music and techniques as well as gaining an understanding of the Liturgy. Rehearsal time is also important for members to get to know each other and learn to work together as a group. Choir members are expected to attend BOTH rehearsals.

If, occasionally, it is not possible to attend both rehearsals because of vacations, sports, work, or school obligations, members MUST text, email, or call me (with as much notice as possible). Unless approved in advance, in order to sing/play with choir on Sunday, you must attend rehearsal that week.

New members are always welcome! Teens from 6th grade and up who like to sing or play an instrument and are interested in joining should contact me either by email or phone. There is no audition for this group—and no prior choir singing experience is necessary. If you are just learning an instrument, you may start by playing at the rehearsals until you the director decides you are able to play at Mass. Many of our members were just learning when they joined.

There is a separate ministry for Cantors. Cantors generally proclaim the Psalms and, occasionally other parts of the Mass. This position does require an audition as well as additional separate training with the director. While there is no age requirement for Cantors, it is expected that Cantors are members in good standing who regularly attend both practices as well as weekly Mass. Cantor must demonstrate that they are mature, dedicated leaders within the group. Attendance at Wednesday rehearsal is required in order to cantor at the following Sunday Mass.

Please contact the Youth Music Minister, Michele Vallet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 757-876-9119 if you have any questions or are interested in joining.

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