Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am and 12pm
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Altar Flowers

Flowers in memory of a loved one or special event in your life may be placed on the altar for a donation of $40. Call the office to request a special date.

Altar Servers 

Servers assist at all weekend masses, holy day masses, weddings, funerals, and special liturgies. Training is provided. Youth in grades 4 through 12 who have received the Sacrament of Eucharist are invited to serve.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion  

Distributes the Eucharist during Masses and brings the Eucharist to shut-ins. Scheduled on a monthly basis. Must have received Sacrament of Confirmation.

Ministry to the Sick 

Hospital and home visits,  Extra Ordinary Holy Eucharistic Ministry to the sick and physically challenged.


Welcomes people at the Church entrances before Masses.


Describes the theme of the liturgy, proclaims the scriptural readings and prayers of the faithful during the Liturgy of the Word. Training mandatory.

Money Counters  

Counts collections.

Music Ministry

Choir/Cantor - The Choir/Cantor provides music for the 5:00 p.m. Saturday and the 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon Sunday Masses. This ministry provides the parishioners with resounding vocal support in every phase of the Liturgy. Skills: Ability to hold a tune and/or willing to learn, musical awareness, and be comfortable in front of people. Gifts: out-going, compassionate, leadership, love to minister through music, generous with time and talents.Rehearsals are one hour prior to each mass or at the discreation of Choir Director. New members are welcome!

Music Ministers and individual Cantors are available for weddings and other functions.


Assist in seating people before Masses, carry the collection basket, escort during Communion, straighten up the Church after Masses. Training available.

Parish Calendar

    Parish Calendar


Paul Jones Paintings

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