Stewardship Corner
Mass Times: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am and 12pm
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Parish Stewardship

Parish Stewardship encourages and fosters ongoing reflection on the depth and scope of one's personal investment as a partner with Jesus Christ and with the parish community in the mission of the Church.

II Corinthians 9:6-15
God provides "every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work." (v. 8) There is no need to "sow sparingly" and hence "reap sparingly." We can "sow bountifully" and "reap bountifully" (v. 6), "enriched in every way for [our] great generosity." (v. 11)

Do we take time to consider everything required to make St. Jerome the Church what it is?

 We are familiar with the lectors, eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, music ministry and even the fellowship committee team. They are STEWARDS of the Church.

The altar guild does the linens and there is also church cleaners, nursery workers, flower team,  catechists, pro-life ministry, funeral preparation/receptions, prison ministry, gardening, and much more. They are STEWARDS of the Church.

They have answered Christ's call and expectation to be stewards sharing their time, talents and treasure.

Read more: Parish Stewardship

What is Stewardship?

 Stewardship can be a confusing term for Catholics. For many years,     “Stewardship” has been seen as a predominately Protestant term that was synonymous with raising money. When the United States bishops’ pastoral letter, “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response,” was published in 1992, a new concept was

Read more: What is Stewardship?

Prayer of St. Jerome and Stewardship

Reflect on the The Prayer of St. Jerome as a prayer of Stewardship. Please read the prayer again and reflect on the commitment you make each week.

Prayer of St. Jerome Community

My church is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is.

It will be friendly, if  I am.

Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.

It will do great work, if I work

It will make generous gifts to many causes, if l am a generous giver.

It will bring other people into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them in.

It will be a Church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a Church with a noble spirit. if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same qualities.

Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I want my Church to be.

Bless my journey, Lord God. that I might build the Church

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Read more: Prayer of St. Jerome and Stewardship

An Invitation to Help St. Jerome and Our Community

This is a call to all St. Jerome Parishioners to participate and support your community, to be the eyes, hands and feet of Christ. This is a call to listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking of gratitude and responsibility. This is an invitation to Catholic stewardship.

What Is Catholic Stewardship?
Stewardship is not simply making donations or taking care of the building and grounds.
It is a spirituality—hence a way of life—made of four parts:

  • Receiving the gifts of God with gratitude
  • Cultivating them responsibly
  • Sharing them lovingly in justice with others
  • Standing before the Lord in a spirit of accountability

It is up to you to determine how you will live out this stewardship way of life.

Read more: An Invitation to Help St. Jerome and Our Community

Do you know who is sitting next to you?

It is certainly a blessing to know and even assist parishioners whom we are familiar, but what about those we are not familiar.  Can each of us help create opportunities interact with and assist other parishioners who don’t know anyone in the parish? Although their personal situations are different, their commonality is not knowing the fellowship and compassion of the St. Jerome community.

If you don’t know the person sitting next to you, they might be:

  • An 18 year old making their own effort to find a church and avoid bad influences
  • A 25 year old returning to their Catholic roots after 10 years, looking for the spirit of God and a health environment
  • A new mother whose husband deployed to Afghanistan when the baby was 5 weeks old.
  • An elderly woman who locked her keys in her car, in the church parking lot.

They are attending Mass but they also need more, they need a community.

Read more: Do you know who is sitting next to you?

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